Many are the parties that are celebrated in Gran Canaria but we will number the most relevant ones from amongst those taking place in the  Biosphere Reserve territory:    

- "El Charco" in La Aldea de San Nicolas

Hundreds of people jump onto a small natural pool by the ocean known as ‘the puddle' to fish with their hands. Every September the 11th this ritual is repeated in remembrance of the way the aboriginal population used to fish in this natural pond.

- "Bloomed almond tree" in Tejeda and Tunte

This celebration takes place in February when the almond trees bloom, celebrating that the cold starts to vanish and spring is coming. It is very famous in Tejeda and is also celebrated in Tunte, as these are the two areas in the island with more almond trees.

- "La Virgen de la Cuevita" in Artenara

The image of Santa María de la Cuevita (Saint Mary in the cave) is taken by the locals from its cave-sanctuary to the main church at the end of August. For a whole week she is honoured and the village is full of joy with dances, markets and multiple visitors. The cyclists of Gran Canaria never fail to be there and make an offering, as she is their patron saint.   

- "La Bajada del Carbonero" in Tunte 

This party honours the profession that employed many families in the area: the coalman. It takes place in the summer, and with the face stained with coal dust, the locals dance over the streets of the village in the music of the local band until they reach the church square where the dance will continue till late night.

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